With Almedalen, Sweden’s annual thought-leadership forum, not taking place physically this year, Stellar Capacity was happy to partner with Boinstitutet and Boklok to produce a digital version: Digitala Almedalen, focusing in particular on the future of urban planning and the housing industry. Our founder, Claudia Olsson, was invited to give the opening keynote talk in which she asked herself: “How far can we automate housing construction and the real estate business?”
Can we automate the housing industry?

Image: Stellar Capacity
Claudia shared insights from our research where we found that it will indeed soon be possible for a greater part of the industry to be automated or remotely controlled. Technology has already made it possible to carry out every step of the home construction and sale process with minimum human intervention or interaction. For example, Japanese heavy equipment maker Komatsu, partnered with dronemaker Skycatch, created a system of self driving bulldozers guided by drone-gathered data to carry out earth works at construction sites. Swedish Developer Finch has created a tool to generate adaptive parametric architectural designs that can auto-generate blueprints based on input parameters:

Image: Finch
On the construction side, the HadrianX system created by the Australian company FBR Ltd. is able to lay bricks autonomously at a rate of 250 bricks per hour, and US based firm APIS Cor has created a 3D printing system using concrete that can construct the shell of a house in under 24 hours.

Image: FBR Ltd.
Even house painting and plastering can be done autonomously, as shown by Japanese maker Okibo with their painting and plastering robots. Finally, prospective homebuyers can tour and experience their new home fully virtually and remotely.
Both technology and leadership is needed to progress
There is no doubt that the technology to automate a large part of the house building process is already here, but what is often lacking is the leadership, culture and mindset to enable these reformative changes.
To enable the industry to capture the full potential of technology, upskilling of our labor force will be needed, as well as up-to-date leadership that understands the importance of:
Continuous learning
Efficient remote leadership
Strategic partnership development and networked leadership
With Stellar Capacity’s programs we help leaders and employees develop these skills in order to reach their full potential.
We appreciate the opportunity to further connect with the innovators and leaders through digital Almedalen, and cooperate with changemakers such as yourself from municipalities, developers, and other organizations in the industry to make use of digitalization to unlock your organization's full potential.
If you would like to learn more about the the above topics and make sure you are ready to take advantage of the rapidly changing technological scene, please fill in our contact form. We will make sure you receive an invitation to our webinars and stay in the loop to learn about programs developing the next generation of leaders who will lead societal change!

Claudia Olsson founded Stellar Capacity to provide strategic insight and development for leadership and digital transformation. She was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, served on its Future Council on Values, Ethics and Innovation, and is the author of "Sweden 2030 - an integrated, smart and competitive digital society” for the Digitalization Commission at the Government of Sweden. Read more about her and our team here.

Peng Wu is a researcher with Stellar Capacity with a background in transportation, maritime logistics, and urban planning. He specializes in urban development, social sustainability, and is passionate about how better leadership can build better cities for tomorrow.
Would you like to develop your digital leadership and learn how to navigate digital change? Sign up for the Stellar Executive Program at www.stellarcapacity.com. We also offer a diverse range of courses, trainings, seminars and tailor-made programs for organizations and individuals progressing digital transformation. You can sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date with our latest news and insights into leadership and digitalisation!